Tuesday, January 12, 2010

No TV Dinner...

Our excuse was that we could multi-task by watching TV (our "programs") and eating dinner at the same time.  We've been doing that for years with an occasional break inspired by Lent or Advent.  Well, for the past several days, we've been eating at the dinner table, with candles, then playing cards for an hour, and just having fun talking, drinking wine and seeing who's going to win.  I cannot boast....this is something Liz (Blaire) and James do all the time.  They are excellent role models!


  1. Awww... so sweet. What card games do you play?

  2. I want to do the same thing. You are such an inspiration to me.

  3. Gin Rummy for a couple of nights, then cribbage for the last 3. Poor Michael, he's still trying to win (or is he just letting me win??).
