Monday, January 16, 2012

Our living/dining room finally getting a redo

Michael's working his "handy man" magic, giving our LR/DR a fresh coat of paint.  Last time he painted it was in 1989!  Of course, we weren't here long enough to get bored with beige, but I'm so glad (and thankful to him) that it's looking "leaf green" now!  There's more to be done but here's how far he's come so far.

I have realized that I didn't post the photos of the new paint in the kitchen and sunroom done in June 2011.  Another great re-do by the Gnat-ster

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'm still at it....

For those who have asked about my cello study, I know I haven't posted on that for a while.  However, I'm still pursuing the study of this wonderful instrument, although I'm still a few years away from making it sound wonderful.  Soon after we arrived in Portland last February, I found a new teacher to take the place of my beautiful Rebecca Caulk in Fredericksburg.

Anna Fritz, a member of the Portland Cello Project, took me on in April and has been a great guide for me in the cello world.  I've also joined a beginner adult string quarter (there's actually seven of us) to improve our sight reading and ensemble skills.  No performing.

OK, so it might be a while before my cello playing will be something someone might want to listen to, but I just want to let you know:  I'm still at it!

Peg, Angela, Mona, Dennis, Roderick, Tom and Rachel