Saturday, December 12, 2009

Once a "to do" now, a "it's done!"

"To do" lists work well for me when the items are tasks such as "pick up prescriptions", prepare invoice, pay visa bill, etc.  However, "design and print Christmas card" is not really a task but a project, one that took several hours yesterday and is still on-going today.  Happily, the hard part (designing) is done; I'm printing now (at 561M, I'm realizing how, in 3 short years, our computer is already sub-par ram-wise).

While the printer is chewing up and trying to spit out cards, I'm able get some cello practice in.  The challenge of the two octave C Scale is not knowing WHERE to put my fingers but HOW to put them there.  I mentioned to my daughter this afternoon that the reason I'm enjoying this so much is that I'm learning the correct technique from the beginning.   My piano technique has gotten very poor over the years, but at least I can appreciate having learned how to read music on that instrument.

Last night, Michael and I watched "Julie and Julia" - what a treat!  A relatable comment by Julie, "I can write a blog...I have thoughts".  So I'm finding out that just because I (Peg) have thoughts, I'm not sure I'm very good at writing a blog!  Like the cello, I'm practicing a little every day (oops - I missed yesterday!).

Tonight is the Candle Light Tour of Historic Homes in Fredericksburg.  Photographing the homes is prohibited so perhaps I'll have photos of the fun!

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