Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Little Angels - from recycled thread spools

I'd been holding on to thread empty spools; just can't seem to throw something out that could be re-purposed!  Along with spools, I had extra buttons, fabric remnants, out of date sample books, flannel, white plastic shade rights and button forms. Had a stash of hot glue and the gun, stiff interfacing, floral wire and spray adhesive.  Needed to purchase a few things: wooden 1" beads, paint, fixative, glitter and doll hair.    And...Wala!

1 comment:

  1. Peg,
    These are awesome! Did you make them? You should sell them on Etsy.com. Go look at that site if you are not familiar with it, as they only sell items that are handmade or antique items. Your angels would be a great hit.

    God Bless,
