Saturday, June 26, 2010

OK, so what's with the cello??

My profile picture with the cello is now six months old.  Since I started lessons in December, I've graduated to my own cello and bow from the rental shown in the photo and have just had my first "recital".  It was pretty raw, but in spite of the missed notes, poor tonality, squeaks and stiff movements, I got through it without forgetting the music (isn't "not forgetting" the really important achievement for folks my age??)!  I'm posting the video with a mix of giggles, embarrassment and horror, with the hope that I'll be a little bit better the next time around!

1 comment:

  1. Nice vid Peg yoi did a good job getting up there and trying it out. I played for the first time in public at our christmas party last year and almost broke into a cold sweat. I've been playing for about 2 years.
    It's interesting to see a catholic who likes teilhard de chardin; as far as I know the 1960s era ecclesiastical proscriptions are still in force.
